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The congress is supported by:
amnesty international and amnesty-Aktionsnetz Heilberufe, Brot für die Welt and Misereor

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Human Target

May 30 - June 2, 2013 Villingen-Schwenningen


Ladies and Gentlemen, dear friends,

The medical peace organization IPPNW was founded to prevent the use and proliferation of nuclear weapons of mass destruction. In the past decade, this focus has expanded to include conventional weapons currently causing great damage throughout the world, including landmines and small arms.

Why should this be of concern to us?

Hundreds of thousands of people each year are killed by small arms alone, with millions more injured and maimed. The Red Cross reports that 90 percent of all victims of war die from the use of small weapons, two thirds alone from rifle bullets. Most of theseinjuries and deaths occur in countries in the global South.
Many wars are fought over the interests of wealthy industrialized nations, and it is the guns we produce in our countries that kill. The traumatization of the wounded and their families goes far beyond physical injury.

Heckler & Koch, one of Europes’ leading small arms producers, is based in the pretty little town of Oberndorf am Neckar in the Black Forest. Its weapons are exported wherever sales are possible.

In Villingen-Schwenningen, not far from Oberndorf, an international congress on the issue of small arms will take place from May 30 to June 2, 2013.
Organised by IPPNW in cooperation with the campaign “AktionAufschrei – Stoppt den Waffenhandel!”, experts and members of many organizations will discuss the effects of these weapons. International guests from, among other countries, Kenya, Iran, Nepal, Switzerland, India, Australia and the USA will share their knowledge and know-how. There will be lectures, panel discussions and workshops about the social and health effects of the use of small arms and the global arms trade, as well as about future activities and campaigns to stop arms exports.

You are hereby cordially invited to participate.

Dr. Helmut Lohrer
On behalf of the Congress Preparation Group

Our congress topics

>> Introduction to the small arms issue
>> Effects on health and development of small arms production, sale and use
>> Economic root causes and impact of the global arms trade
>> Heckler & Koch
>> Ethical dimensions of small arms production, trade and use
>> Psychological dimensions of small arms production and use
>> Conversion – political parameters for alternatives to arms production
>> Problem-solving approaches and action: prospects on an international, regional and national level

In cooperation with the city of Villingen-Schwenningen

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10 Questions and 10 Answers concerning Small Arms

In the 21st Century, small arms such as those produced in Oberndorf have fallen into disrepute as weapons of mass destruction. The number of people killed by them is colossal in comparison with other weapons. Within the population, however, stubborn arguments for their production persist. The most important of these arguments are presented here with an attempt to rebut them. Read more